Publication Ethics

The Hellenic Journal of STEM Education (HJSTEM) editors are fully aware of the issues delineated in the Code of Conduct and Best-Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors and declare their total adherence with them.

Likewise, together with editorial board members and reviewers, authors submitting manuscirpts to HJSTEM are also expected to follow the universally accepted rules of publication ethics and avoid publication malpractices.

HJSTEM and editors firmly express that all manuscript handling and publications will be conducted according to globally accepted principles and rules of academic publication ethics. We also expect HJSTEM authors and reviewers to be aware of these and strictly abide them.

For more information on the issue please consult to these two articles:

Statement on Publication Ethics for Editors and Publishers

Best Practice Guidelines on Publication Ethics: a Publisher's Perspective
In the event of any suspected publication malpractice thought to be taking place in an HJSTEM article please directly contact the editors. All such allegations will be investigated by senior members of the editorial board. In a proven case of malpractice, the alleged article will be retracted and our community will be made aware of the case. However, in a case needing a correction, clarification, or apology appropriate open announcements will be made on the HJSTEM webpage.